Tool music videos are my FAVOURITE comfort vids,,^w^,,
"It's a poster advertising a hair care company. You feel strange about the model however" "A a string of stickers and graffiti, whatever lives here seems to have an interesting taste in their art" "A miniature advertisement for a local cult" "It's another poster advertising a camp, there's...something sticking to your fingers on the poster" "It's a poster advertising a rave in a nearby graveyard, you think" "A map of the city...your...eyes are starti n g t o h u r r tt t" "It's a warning sign for a building. You're mildly worried as to what it means by liquid human" "It's another warning sign for an island, it seems you aren't welcomed there" "It's a poster for a school event, despite the bland design the poster smells like pumpkins and iron"